Secrets of successful stone-skipping



When larger drops evaporate faster


$$ p(r_1, r_2) = P - \frac{\gamma \rho_{vapor}}{\rho_{liquid} - \rho_{vapor}}(\frac{1}{r_1} + \frac{1}{r_2}) $$


但 Leizerson 等人发现,在特殊处理过的云母表面,较小的水滴比较大的水滴蒸发得更慢。

Light from sonication of crystal slurries

简要讨论了超声下摩擦发光(triboluminescence,也称为机械发光 mechanoluminescent)的现象。

Some crystalline materials emit light when they are crushed, rubbed, or scratched; the phenomenon, triboluminescence, is thought to arise from the recombination of charges produced by the breaking of chemical bonds under mechanical stress and is usually associated with asymmetric crystal structures.

— Intriguing aspects of lanthanide luminescence1


Apparatus for studying high-energy emission from peeling tape.


粗略查了一下,有研究在 3D 打印件中掺杂了发光原料,风一吹就会发出绿光:

Fully 2D and 3D printed anisotropic mechanoluminescent objects and their application for energy harvesting in the dark

— Shlomo Magdassi, published in Materials Horizons (IF: 15.717)

What is the best way to lace your shoes?



Finer features for functional microdevices


Microfabrication and nanofabrication at subdiffraction-limit resolution.

Tall men have more reproductive success

Here we demonstrate that taller men are reproductively more successful than shorter men, indicating that there is active selection for stature in male partners by women.


The colourful world of the mantis shrimp


Wood used by Stradivari and Guarneri

三百年前 Stradivari 和 Guarneri 制作的小提琴非常非常出名。查了一下资料,2013 年,一把名为 Vieuxtemps Guarneri 的琴甚至于拍出 1600 万美元的天价。

研究者通过 NMR 和 FTIR 发现,Stradivari 和 Guarneri 在制作小提琴时,对木材进行了一定的化学处理。

Spectroscopy of maple wood samples from antique violins.

  1. The above note is excerpted from Jean-Claude G. Bünzli’s Intriguing aspects of lanthanide luminescence↩︎